It Makes Me Wonder | ||
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archives Sunday, July 24, 2011 posted by LNR 9:22 AM Tuesday, May 13, 2008 Introduction On Sage Lupin’s first day at Hogwarts, she found herself sitting with Alicia Spinnet, Katie Bell, Angelina Johnson, Lee Jordan, and Fred and George Weasley on the Hogwarts Express. It was the beginning of her fifth year, a transfer from Durmstrang after the death of her parents and sudden relocation to the small house of her much older half-brother Remus. It was also the year of the Triwizard Tournament and the Yule Ball. Sage quickly became friends with this group of Gryffindors after being sorted into the same house. She cheers when Angelina puts her name into the Goblet of Fire, and laughed when Fred and George grew beards. Alicia and Sage became especially close, and Sage was happy for her when George asked her to the Yule Ball and they continued to date afterwards. (Sage herself went with Lee Jordan and had a rockin’ good time—just as friends). When summer arrived, Remus and Sage moved with Sirius to Number Twelve. There they met the Weasleys and began making the house more inhabitable. Over the summer there, Sage spent most of her time with Fred and George to help them plan their joke shop. She corresponded with Alicia regularly, and they met a few times in Diagon Alley when Sage could manage to escape her duties. She received her OWLs happily, getting top marks in Potions, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Ancient Runes, Herbology, and Muggle Studies. She even managed to scrape almost-top marks in Transfiguration, her worst subject. Sage’s 6th year was Alicia’s 7th year, and they did not see much of each other because Alicia was studying nearly all of the time for her NEWTs. Even George was having a difficult time sustaining a relationship with her because he himself saw no reason to study. George and Sage spent more and more time together as they both continued to try to get Alicia to pay them attention. Both joined Dumbledore’s Army. By the time the twins left Hogwarts (with a flourish), George was Sage’s other best friend. Sage accompanied Harry and the other D.A. members to the Department of Mysteries to rescue Sirius. Fighting the Death Eaters, having been tortured with the Cruciatus Curse by Lucius Malfoy, and witnessing the death of Sirius were such harsh tastes of reality that Sage felt like she was in a completely different world than that of Alicia, whose main concerns still seemed to be Quidditch and whether her father approved of her NEWTs. Alicia went to America after graduating from Hogwarts in pursuit of a Quidditch career, but maintained her relationship with George, who missed her—or at least, the idea of her. As Sage witnessed most of her friends being in relationships (George and Alicia, Fred and Katie, Ginny and Michael Corner), she jumped into a relationship with Vincent Lockhart headfirst and without much thought. They slept together during the first night of their relationship. During the second night Vincent tried to overdose on an illegal potion, and Sage, feeling as though there was no other option, took the potion from him and drank it herself instead. After this, he professed that he loved her—and what else could she say but that she loved him as well? Their relationship was full of sex and fighting. Sage could often be found crying, and who to notice better than her only best friend still in Britain? LockhartVincent: George...theres a rhino outside with your name on it...Why dont you go pet him? beater G weasley: *glare* I want to know what's the matter with my Sage. O_o; beater G weasley: Well beater G weasley: not MY sage beater G weasley: but my sage. beater G weasley: o.o LockhartVincent: But the rhino needs you! beater G weasley: Who needs me more, rhino or Sageo? *considers* LockhartVincent: The rhino can tell you the secrets to the bermuda triangle! beater G weasley: O_O posted by LNR 7:27 PM Thursday, August 17, 2006 ![]() ![]() walking inside the door, you see that ![]() my desk area ![]() my dresser area ![]() the left side is mine. magnetic poetry on the fridge. ![]() back of my bed area ![]() closet doors ![]() closet ![]() shoes posted by LNR 10:31 AM Sunday, June 05, 2005 sylinabeaker: -ambles down the street in Diagon Alley- bea terg weasley: *sweeping the messy linoleum floor of his shop, checking the clock periodically* sylinabeaker: -approaches the shop, not expecting it to look any less empty and desolate than it has for the past 6 months or so- sylinabeaker: -sighs and wipes the window with the sleeve of her robes- bea terg weasley: .. *humming to himself, sweeping empty wrappers under the shelves where they do not belong* bea terg weasley: *drops a bottle of something liquid pink on his (way too tight) jeans* .. shit.. bea terg weasley: shitshitshitshit. *punches air* sylinabeaker: -blinks- sylinabeaker: -bangs on the window- bea terg weasley: *jumps, startled, and turns* ... *can make out a shape outside* .. hm.. hello?? .. *walks to the door and pulls it open, not really paying attention as he attempts to rub the pink goop off a thigh* bea terg weasley: sorry i just- *looks up* ............ sylinabeaker: ...Hello George. bea terg weasley: .. hey. um.. hi. *goes to lean on the doorframe with an elbow and nearly trips* .. hahha. so yeah. hello. sylinabeaker: -avoids his eyes quickly and looks down- Ah... is that... pink goo on your thigh-leg-jeans? bea terg weasley: oh! er.. *looks down again* yeah it is. fancy that. *looks up again* its you. sylinabeaker: Don't see much, uh, pink goo these days. sylinabeaker: Oh, me. sylinabeaker: Yes, it is. sylinabeaker: Hi. bea terg weasley: well you know i .. *gestures with his hands a story that makes little sense* ... and then.. *waves arms* and THEN *points at thigh* you see? mhmm. hi again. sylinabeaker: -nods- sylinabeaker: I see. sylinabeaker: How, um, well, pink goo aside, how've you been? bea terg weasley: huh..? ..oh! well ive been.. busy? *coughs* um.. you know. busy with the shop in the U.S and all. but i came back for a while. yeah. *blows dirty hair out of his face* how um.. how have you been going? er-doing? i meant doing. right? yeah.. okay.. *shuts up* sylinabeaker: Ah, now there's an interesting question. Without an interesting answer. -smiles- sylinabeaker: How was the U.S.? sylinabeaker: Interesting place, so I hear. bea terg weasley: *narrows eyes* dont think youre snaking out of that question for long. bea terg weasley: its interesting, but tiring. bea terg weasley: so fast moving. bea terg weasley: wizards are few and far between. sylinabeaker: -nods several times- bea terg weasley: and the birds! the birds are horrible. sylinabeaker: -quirks a brow- bea terg weasley: they are meatless and snobby and flirtatious beyond anything i can comprehend and the ones that arent are .. are.. huge porkers that gorge themselves on 'fast food' and fancy themselves able to wear tank tops and short skirts in public! .. *breathes* .. sylinabeaker: Oh? sylinabeaker: Well I'm terribly sorry you had to put up with such... ah, horrible-ness. bea terg weasley: .... *kicks himself mentally for the outburst* well its good to be back.. and to er. see you. sylinabeaker: *smiles* I'm, glad. It's been... a... while. I'm sure you've missed your family. sylinabeaker: *lightbulb goes off inside head* sylinabeaker: Not to change the subject, but should you be worried about the pink goo in your, I mean, on your, pants? bea terg weasley: *falters* well. its kinda seeped in by now. bea terg weasley: itching goo, on top of that. bea terg weasley: its taken all my strength not to start scratching. bea terg weasley: but its worth having a conversation with you again, sage. sylinabeaker: I.. oh. Thank you. sylinabeaker: I can make you an anti-itching potion, if you'd like. bea terg weasley: that'd beee.. very nice. *taps the foot that belongs to the leg in question very rapidly* sylinabeaker: *smiles and gives him a quick hug* sylinabeaker: I'll just head into the back where you keep all your chemicals, then? bea terg weasley: *doesnt have enough time to wrap his arms about her, so ends up with his arms open as she moves back* right. i havent been back there in a while.. if things are expired.. i dont know. *arms still spread and he is barely aware* sylinabeaker: *grabs one of his outstretched arms and pulls him with her* I'm sure we'll find out. sylinabeaker: Don't worry though, I won't poison you. bea terg weasley: *nervous laugh* i wasn't even considering that an option but now that you mention it.. im glad youre not a liar. *follows* sylinabeaker: me, too. I guess honesty makes life, somewhat, easier. Hmm. sylinabeaker: *piles some bottles on a table* sylinabeaker: This is a fairly quick potion to make. sylinabeaker: Sit down and count to 84 and it ought to be finished. bea terg weasley: 84? *sighs* thats a lot of numbers. *moves to visciously scratch his leg, but stops, sitting as instructed* sylinabeaker: It could have been worse. I almost said 96, but I changed my mind at the last second. sylinabeaker: -puts on an apron- bea terg weasley: where'd you get that apron? *bounces leg* sylinabeaker: -points to under a table- sylinabeaker: Now... let's see. *pours some things into a beaker, drops some poison ivy leaves from a box into a small cauldron, then pours the liquids in* sylinabeaker: Okay... this boils for 10 seconds and it ought to be ready... sylinabeaker: *thankful to be talking about the only thing in the whole world she knows about, without any doubt and with complete clarity* sylinabeaker: *counts, then pours it into a beaker* sylinabeaker: OUCH that's hot, don't touch it yet. posted by LNR 10:26 AM Saturday, June 04, 2005 "You've never been so nuts about a guy You wanna laugh you wanna cry You cross your heart and hope to die" --Bjork It's Oh So Quiet posted by LNR 11:53 PM Wednesday, April 06, 2005 "As birds announce the birth of a new day in song And my dreams mingle with the first rays of the sun, Your scent lingers in my sheets, Prompting me to reach out for you. But when I do, my arms surround only air. I brush my fingers lightly across my own face-- A sensual touch which instantly conjures you up. I maintain this specter of you for quite a while By remaining in that fanciful land Between sleep and wakefulness, Transversing that rare terrain Where memory and reality interlock. But then my vision is confiscated from me When I stumble over the border Into this more mundane place Where timelessness Is banished By clocks." --Garcia Lorca The Morning After posted by LNR 6:45 AM "Never let me lose the marvel of your statue-like eyes, or the accent the solitary rose of your breath places on my cheek at night. I am afraid of being, on this shore, a branchless trunk, and what I most regret is having no flower, pulp, or clay for the worm of my despair. If you are my hidden treasure, if you are my cross, my dampened pain, if I am a dog, and you alone my master, never let me lose what I have gained, and adorn the branches of your river with leaves of my estranged Autumn." --Garcia Lorca Sonnet of the Sweet Complaint posted by LNR 6:45 AM " (Soul, turn orange-colored. Soul, turn the color of love.)" --Garcia Lorca Ditty of First Desire posted by LNR 6:43 AM Sunday, March 06, 2005 "Show me how you do that trick The one that makes me scream" she said "The one that makes me laugh" she said And threw her arms around my neck "Show me how you do it and I promise you I promise that I'll run away with you I'll run away with you" Spinning on that dizzy edge I kissed her face and kissed her head And dreamed of all the different ways I had To make her glow "Why are you so far away?" she said "Why won't you ever know that I'm in love with you? That I'm in love with you?" --The Cure Just Like Heaven posted by LNR 8:54 PM |
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